Basic Principles of Goal Setting Theory for a Successful Outcome

Basic Principles of Goal Setting Theory for a Successful Outcome

Do you know Goal Setting Theory ? No matter how much you motivated and turn into positivity if you fail to set SMART goals, you will not be a successful individual. So, goal setting is an integral part of achieving life challenges. So, first, lets’ identify what are the characteristic of a goal. Simply, a goal or an objective should be smart. It means, if you are going to place a goal for a task it should contain the following qualities. 

Goal Setting Theory for a SMART outcome! 

  • The goal should be “Specific” 

Yes! If you have a challenge, the basic of setting a goal is to overcome those barriers through the easiest available way. So, it should not be a complex objective. It means the successfully developed goal should meet one specific challenge. As an example, if a physical therapist wanted to treat for a baby with cerebral palsy, he cannot set goals for ultimate recovery at once. But, he definitely can set the goals by considering one specific muscle group. Then, he can progress until the complete or expected level of recovery achieved. 

  • Measurable Outcome 

If you cannot measure the outcomes of your achievements, you do not have any sense of whether you have successfully met your goals. Thus, the goal should set to measure through standard protocols. 

  • Expected Outcome should be Attainable 

We know, setting a goal means to find a solution. But, if you are continuously working on to achieve the ultimate goal other than the achievable level for the moment, you will lose motivation easily. If we discuss the same fact under the above explanation, if physio place a goal to take the best with cerebral palsy for walking without addressing contractures and muscle power, it will be a failed goal. 

Continuation for qualities of happiness…

  • Realistic! Not dreams! 

This also describes the things what we discussed earlier. But, the actual meaning of realist dream is there is vulnerability to success your goals. If the goal is not an achievable one through present conditions, it is never a realistic goal as success is uncertain. 

  • Time-Bound Goals 

This fact simply means that the goals should be timely achievable. It means you should place goals to achieve within the given period. So, if it is a long term goal, the outcome should depend upon several short term goals. 

What are the Basic Principles of Goal Setting! 

  • The goal should be Clear 

As we describe early, if you are placing any goal to achieve outcomes, it should be specific. It means you should mention where to apply the goal and how. Otherwise, the goal may become difficult to achieve and the person may gradually lose their motivation too.

  • The person should be committed to acting on 

If you are placing a goal on behalf of others, the person who subjected to work on should have an interest in it. So, he will work on the project until he achieved outcomes as you started. 

  • Feedbacks are also important 

No matter whether it is a long term goal or a short term. There should be on and off assessments and measures to get feedbacks. This will help in minimizing errors and to motivate for the progression. 

  • Should be simple and achievable 

The objective should be clear enough to understand and active through simple steps. Since longer processes need massive efforts and economical input, people may easily lose hopes over the outcomes. That is why the goals shouldn’t be complex. 

The last lines 

The goal-setting theory describes how you should customize a goal for achievement. Simply, all these principles and approaches are applicable for industrial set up, learning strategies and also hospital-based patient approach.