Digital Growth overtakes COVID19 pandemic says Digital Media Consultant

Digital Growth overtakes COVID19 pandemic says Digital Media Consultant Hamza Haniffa

Digital marketing is one of the best jobs in the world right now. Almost every local or global business in the world operates with a high degree of priority given to digital marketing. This is mainly because of the high cost and time involved in traditional marketing methods.

Almost all the countries of the world faced some form of prolonged lockdown that lasted a  few months due to the COVID19 pandemic. As a result, everyone from top global brands to startups and local business were pushed towards great economic hardship.However, this was not the case for those in the digital marketing industry; this particular area of work saw higher demand for their services during this pandemic. Shown below is a simple example.

Anyone who takes a look at this graph will see how Digital Media and Marketing has seen a drastic Transformation in two months. In the decade from 2009 to 2019, Digital Transformation Growth has increased from 5.6% to 16% and in the last few months it has increased exponentially from 16% to 27%.

However, this growth observed during the COVID19 lockdown period, is expected to fall during the post COVID19 recovery period. Nevertheless it is undeniable that significant and drastic growth has taken place in 2020 alone compared to the last decade. This is because a lot of people who didn’t even think of going Digital were pushed to embracing Digital Marketing during this time and a lot of people who didn’t have a lot of faith or were skeptical of in Digital Media and Marketing Methods who placed their trust in the process during these trying times now have better confidence and view it with much better hope and clarity.

Since Digital Media and Digital Transformation are interlinked, the graph above also applies to Digital Media. Some believe that the end of digital media is two years away. But as someone who has been in Digital Media and Digital Marketing for 5 years, I am of the view that the next two years will be the best time for Digital Media.

There are already more than 500 Digital Agencies in Sri Lanka. None of them are sitting idle as each and every one of these agencies have work to do and neither of them are recording losses. Job creation and employment opportunities led by these agencies too aren’t small in number and cannot go unnoticed.

Looking forward it is expected that competition will begin to exist between digital creativity and digital strategizing companies and not between digital marketing and traditional marketing.  

By – Digital Media Consultant Hamza Haniffa